The 4,238 tickets for the final of the adult murgas contest put on sale today by the Autonomous Organism of Festivities and Recreational Activities (OAFAR) of the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife were sold out an hour and a half after activating this service, at 9:00 am, through the platform The purchase process was completed without incident.

Of the total number of tickets issued through the Internet, 3,038 are exclusively for the final of the contest, while the remaining 1,200 correspond to the vouchers for the three phases and the final of the contest, which were sold in their entirety an hour and a half after the beginning of their telematic distribution.

OAFAR will distribute the rest of the tickets among the murgas participating in the Carnival 2025 contest, while the seats that complete the capacity are distributed, upon payment of their amount, among the Carnival’s sponsors and collaborators. All the tickets that make up the total capacity of the murgas final are therefore paid, without exception.

The final of this contest will take place on Friday, February 14, at 8:30 p.m., on the stage of the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Fairgrounds and will feature the performances of the groups with the highest scores in the three previous phases.

The rest of the competitions that make up the program of Carnival 2025 have also had a good pace of sales on the first day, remembering that the galas of adult and child queens will go on sale from tomorrow Thursday, January 30, at 9:00 am online. Once again this year, tickets for the choreography contest have been sold out, as well as the third phase of the adult murgas contest.

On sale at the box office

The issuance of tickets at the ticket offices of the Fairgrounds will begin days before the contest of children’s murgas, which will begin on February 7, from 10:00 to 13:00 hours and from 17:00 to 20:00 hours. On days when competitions and galas take place, the opening hours will be maintained until approximately the end of the event.

In the case of the Gala of the Elderly, access will be by invitation, given its free nature, which will be distributed on the date of celebration, Wednesday, February 19, in a space enabled and properly signposted outside the fairgrounds.